Illustration by Anne Ferguson
It’s Monday. Why work when you could read last week’s tastiest food news?
Sink your teeth into this long, meaty read exploring race, poverty, and what happened when Whole Foods opened in Detroit. (Slate)
Eat your bugs, children. (The Daily Beast)
The Martha vs. Gwyneth battle rages on—or rather, it's doing whatever the passive-aggressive version of raging is. (Eater)
You can thank this guy for that $9 juice you drank this weekend in a desperate attempt to quell your hangover. (The Atlantic)
Blurring the lines between rap, food, and fashion: meet the man who sells coconuts to Drake and lives by the word YOLO. (First We Feast)
People around the world celebrated the arrival of Beaujolais this week. As usual, Japan did it best. (FWx)
China is developing a taste for craft beer, so – and we’re just guessing here – your favorite pint is probably about to get more expensive. (PRI’s The World)
Epicurious wants to help all the procrastinators out there cook an entire Thanksgiving meal in two hours. (Epicurious)