Illustration by Anne Ferguson.

Illustration by Anne Ferguson.

Another Monday means another round-up of food links. Dig in!

Female mixologists are gathering in NYC this week at Speed Rack—a speed bartending competition for women that raises money for breast cancer research. (Bust)

There's more to Native American food than just frybread. Though it's (ironically) sorely underrepresented in the culinary world, Native cooking is a no-brainer for those interested in local, pre-colonial cuisine.

Turns out the International Olive Council isn't actually a top-secret cabal of hooded olive oil connoisseurs. Huh. This crash course in olive oil politics explains. (Food & Wine)

Less than 5 percent of wineries in the U.S. are owned by African American vintners. Here's a list of 9 black-owned wineries. (The Fat Cat Collective)

Look out for Ruth Reichl's first cookbook in 40 years this September. (Eater)
