It's Monday again, and that means it's time to roll out our latest roundup of Hot Links. Shout-out to my mom for this one—thanks for keeping an eye on the latest news in food and feminism while I was out of the country!
Amanda Scriver, head of the food, fat, and feminism blog Fat Girl Food Squad, discusses Mark Schatzker’s new book The Dorito Effect and the “nutritional witch hunt” that many of us are engaged in. (Paste Magazine)
Two of our favorite things – breadsticks and feminism – come together in the latest viral meme. Blind date not up to par? Grab those breadsticks and run! (Mother Nature Network)
Food insecurity and food waste are huge problems in the US today. Sasha Purpura’s food redistribution program Food For Free brings leftover restaurant and cafeteria food that would have been wasted to food pantries and homeless shelters. The program not only helps to feed the hungry, it's also led local business owners to adjust their purchasing habits. (Think Progress)
We love this piece about purity politics and the idea that meat isn't "ladylike." (Grist)